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You can find a complete list of my publications on Google Scholar and ORCID.


Quantum continuous measurement and feedback

Quantum technologies rely on measurement and feedback of quantum systems. One important framework is the continuous measurement described by successive weak measurements. Here we derived a Quantum Fokker-Planck Master Equation (QFPME) [PRL 2022] for the evolution of the density matrix and the measurement outcome.

The QFPME describes the ensemble of many stochastic trajectories for the detector outcome and the density matrix associated with each conditioned trajectory. Analytical results can be derived for some systems and a separation of timescale analysis can be employed for a fast detector.

Maxwell's equations in 2+1 dimensions

In physics, a lot of systems behave differently depending on the dimension of the space where they live. Here we investigated how the Maxwell's equations change in 2+1 dimensions [Rev. Bras. Ens. Fis. 2020] with special consideration for the form of retarded potentials and dipole radiation.


The main differences from 3+1 dimensions arises because the wave equations behave differently in even/odd dimensions. This can be seen from the Green's function method.

Thermalization of quantum systems

Studied of the foundations of thermodynamics and thermostatistics. Extended Jaynes-Cummings model for thermalization dynamics and to test the thermodynamics of negative temperatures.

Developed a microscopic model for thermalization based on quantum quenches and unitary evolutions.

Work done as Undergraduate Research Assistant. Advisor: Professor Frederico Brito.

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