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My programming projects can be found on Github.

FIFA Men's World Cup 2022 Simulation

This project simulate the possible outcomes of the FIFA Men's World Cup 2022 using a Poisson model for the goals scored for each team on every match [Github]. The starting point for this simulation if the FIFA Elo Ranking that predicts the likely outcome of a match based on the difference in ratings.


The countries with most chance of winning the tournament are Brazil, Belgium, Argentina and France. The most likely semi-final bracket is also in between these countries. I compared the simulation result with a "Mean-Field" model for the probability of each country to reach each round and the results matched very well.


Messenger Data Analysis

This project is based on Facebook/Meta available personal data for Messenger conversations [Github]. Here I collected, clean-up and plotted some statistics for a group chat with me and some friends. It had more than 400,000 messages over more than 5 years.

This simple analysis focus on the time statistics for each participant: how much message each participant sends for a given period of the day, which days of the week they are more active and how that changed with years.

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